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Everything about myself

TECNE is the engineering powerhouse for the Autostrade per l'Italia Group. We handle every facet of engineering, from the initial design to the final oversight of the work, each essential for the successful execution of the infrastructural investments outlined in Autostrade per l'Italia's Industrial Plan. This blueprint involves more than 21 billion euros of investment, of which two-thirds is earmarked for fresh developments and one-third for the modernization of current structures.

With a team of roughly 1,000 professionals specialising in design, construction supervision, and construction management, we hold a pivotal role in coordinating the maintenance, enhancement, and modernization of the extensive 3,000 km motorway network. Leveraging our expertise and resources, we provide the country with advanced engineering services, grounded in a "design for sustainability" philosophy. This methodology has already been implemented in significant engineering projects crucial to the nation, such as the Gronda di Genova and the Passante di Bologna.

By prioritising safety and sustainability, our aim is to establish ourselves as the country's most important infrastructure engineering hub in terms of size, innovation, and the significance of our undertakings.
Infrastracture Engineering
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