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Everything about myself

Degano Terpich
Degano Terpich is a business reality founded in 2017 from a creative project of two partners, started by combining their passion for graphics and design to work experience in the furniture world. Nourished by a common thought, the collaboration between Luca Degano and Alex Terpich begins with the will to converge the different skills acquired in a single path. Their exchange of visions generates new and interesting varieties of concepts and solutions.
The Degano Terpich style is born from the Italian creativity and culture, characterized by elegant and attractive shapes, with particular attention to finishes and comfort.
The studio operates mainly in two distinct but connected sectors: in design of furniture items and in graphics on products and furnishings. They integrate style with originality, the creative aspect with the technical one and attention to details in every single artwork.
The studio is constantly looking for new ideas and inspirations to develop catchy and avant-garde designs, focusing the interest on new trends, new materials and preferring functionality from the point of view of using the product. The graphics on products and textiles is a natural consequence of a vision of the project as a whole.
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